পর্ব-৩১; প্রাচীন বাংলার ইতিহাসঃ শ্রী দুর্গাশঙ্কর দীর্ঘাঙ্গী


শ্রী দুর্গাশঙ্কর দীর্ঘাঙ্গী
চন্দ্রকোনার হারিয়ে যাওয়া ছোট ছোট ইতিহাস নিয়ে 

                                                                                             ছবিঃ গৌতম মাহাতো
           মেদিনীপুরের ভুলে যাওয়া ইতিকথা


প্রাচীন  বাংলার ইতিহাস:

এই রাজশাহী মিউজিয়ামে বৌদ্ধধর্মের পুরানো  পুঁথি ,দলিল সংরক্ষিত আছে। 
এই বইটি  ” The History of Bengal, edited by  Professor R.C.Majumdar) লিখতে গিয়ে অনেক সময় অনেক প্রতিষ্ঠানের সহযোগিতা পেতে অসুবিধা হয়েছিল। 
 “As it has not been possible to indicate under each illustration the source from which its photograph was obtained, a seperate ‘acknowledgement’ list was inserted  for this purpose. It is to be definitely understood that the right of
Reproducing the illustrations is received by the persons, authorities and institutions who lent their  blocks or photographs. “

 Our special thanks are due
to  Mr.S.C.Das , M. A. and to Mr. R. K. Ghoshal, M.A.who has not only revised the proofs and prepared the Index, but also made many valuable suggestions for improvement. “
Preface: “The Genesis of the present work has been explained in the Forward. The feels that he owes an explanation for the very long interval between the inception of the work and publication. In view of the 
importance of the subject a few relevant facts may be mentioned which will also
incidentally explain the changes made in the personnel of the writers referred to in
the Foreword. 
Shortly after the work was taken up we were denied the co-operation of Dr. N. K. 
Bhattasali M. A., PHD., who was secretary
Of the publication committee and had agreed to write the chapter of Art. ….

The chapter on Art was entrusted to the
late Mr. N. G. Majumdar, who naturally
desired to collect photos and select specimens of architecture and sculpture before commencing to write. This took up
a long times as the specimens to be photographed were spread over a wide area. At last the photos were prepared and took them with him in his ill-fated journey
to the Indus Valley, as he hoped to be able to write the chapter in his leisure hours while on tour. The tragic circumstances
Under which he met his end in Sindh are known to all. His death dealt a severe blow to our scheme, as most of the photos together with the notes prepared by him were irretrievably lost. In the predicament
the editor invited two young scholars-
Dr. Niharranjan Ray and Mr. Sarasi Kumar
Saraswati- to write the chapter on Art, and
they readily agreed to take up the work. 
But the preparation of a new set of photographs took up much time and caused considerably delay. We take this
Opportunity to pay our tribute of respect to the gifted archeologist who had readily
volunteered his valuable co-operation which, alas, was denied us by his sudden
and tragic death. 

This chapter dealing with the social conditions of Ancient Bengal was also
entrusted to a specialist on the subject. 
After a great deal of delay the promised
contribution was  received,but  it dealt with
Pre-historic anthropology only and did not all touch the real subject. Again, in order to
avoid further delay in publication, the editor
undertook to write it himself with the co-operation of Dr. D. C. Ganguly, M. A., PHD. and Dr. R.C. Hazra, M. A., PHD. 

Ref: The History of  Bengal by Dr. RC.Majumdar, 


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