ছবি গৌতম মাহাতো
শ্রী দুর্গাশঙ্কর দীর্ঘাঙ্গী-র
চন্দ্রকোনার হারিয়ে যাওয়া ছোট ছোট ইতিহাস নিয়ে
মেদিনীপুরের ভুলে যাওয়া ইতিকথা
প্রাচীন বাংলা
বাংলার ইতিহাস (The history of Bengal publication committee) :-
একটা আন্তর্জাতিক মাপের ইতিহাস editing করতে গিয়ে প্রফেসর রমেশ চন্দ্র মজুদার মহাশয়
তাঁর অভিজ্ঞতার কথা যা লিখেছেন তা আপনাদের
জানানো দরকার। কারণ এই বইটি আর পুন:মুদ্রিত
“On the 13th of September1935, the Vice-ChancellorConvened a general meeting at his house,
……… ………….. and a committee called the
HIstory of Bengal publication Committee was formed at the meeting composed of the following gentleman:-
1. A. F. Rahman, Esq., vice-Chancellor, Dacca University- Chairman
2.Dr.N.K.Bhattasali – Secretary
3.Dr.S.N.Bhattacharya – It. Secretary
4.Professor R. C. Majumdar
5.Sir Jadunath Sarkar
7. Hakim Habibur Rahman
8.Mr. Sharafuddin
The Committee formally met immediately after the general meeting people…………
Mr. (now Sir) A. F. Rahman very generously
announced at the inaugural meeting of the Committee a donation of Rupees one thousand in memory of deceased mother,
and Dr. K. R. Quanungo, Reader in History,
Promised on behalf of the Friend’s Library,
Kanungopara, Chittagong, a contribution of
Rupees fifty. “
কমিটি তো তৈরি হ’ল কিন্ত এই বৃহৎ তথ্যবহুল
বইটি publish করতে অনেক টাকার দরকার।
Executive Council শুরুতে ১০০০টাকা দিয়েছিল। এবং প্রফেসর রমেশ চন্দ্র মজুমদার কে এই scheme টির পরবর্তী কাজগুলি করার জন্যঅনুরোধ করা হয়েছিল।
” In pursuance of the latter resolution of the Committee, Professor R.C. Majumdar wrote to the Vice-Chancellor on the 14th September, 1935,requesting him to place the draft scheme before the Executive Council and to move the Council to provide the necessary funds for the publication of the proposed History, and to make an initial
grant of Rupees one thousand for meeting
the preliminary expenses.
The scheme was recommended by the Academic Council and in a meeting held on 19th December, 1935,the executive Council
finally approved the entire Scheme, financially as well as administrative and resolved as follows:-
” That the financial and administrative schemes for the publication of the History of Bengal as a Dacca University publication
as per Appendix c be approved, that for the purpose of meeting preliminary expenses
for the publication of History, a grant of Rs. 1000/- be now made out of the University funds and that the university undertakes
to find funds that might be necessary, in
addition to the donation raised, for the publication of the History on the definite
Understanding that the properties right of the History should solely vest in the University of Dacca. “
‘Scheme For a History of Bengal
1.It shall be published by and expense of the University of Dacca under it’s general
Superintendence and control.
2. The History shall be divided into three volumes as follows:-
Vol. I. The Hindu Period.
Vol. II. Pre-Mughal Period (1200-1576 A. D.)
Vol. III. Mughal period(1576-1757 A. D.)
3. Dr. R. C. Majumdar shall be the editor of the first volume and Sir Jadunath Sarkar
Should be requested to edit the second,
and the third volume.
Ref: The History of Bengal vol-1
Edited By R. C. Majumdar
পরিকল্পনা রূপায়ন ও প্রকাশনা:
The management of the preparation and
Publication of the proposed History shall be entrusted to a committe to be called
“History of Bengal Publication Committee’ composed as follows:-
1 . The Vice- Chancellor – Chairman.
2. Dr. N. k. Bhattasali -secretary.
3.Dr.S.N . Bhattacharya – It. Secretary.
Other members-4. Sir Jadunath Sarkar and 5.Dr.R.C.Majumdar, Editors;6.Dr.K.R.Quanungo;7. Hakim Habibur Rahman;8.Mr.Sharafuddin.The Committee shall have power to co-Opt other members.”
In the second meeting of the History Publish Committee held on 16th February, 1936,a fund called the History of Bengal Publication fund was created with the nucleus grant of Rs. 1000/- made by the executive Executive Council, and appeals
for financial help were also made. In response to these appeals, Sir P. C.Roy
made a donation of Rs. 1,000/- and Government of West Bengal offered a similar donation of Rs. 1,000/- to the Fund.
Subsequently, Executive Council sanctioned a sum Rs. 10,000/- for printing and publication of the work.
In course of the long period of composition and completion of the work,
Several noteworthy changes took place
in the personnel of the Committee as well as in the scheme of work. “
” Some changes in the scheme of work,
particularly in the distribution of chapters to different Scholars, were also made from time to time……. The Committee Covey their thanks to all of them for their valuable co-operations……… ………… The committee
take this opportunity to convey their thanks
to Sir P. C. Roy for his very generous donation for the publication of this work.
Ref: The History of Bengal(FORWARD, to the first edition by “The History of Bengal
Publication Committee) , Edited By
R. C. Majumdar, M. A., PH.D., F.R.A.S.B