করোনা প্রসঙ্গে পুষ্টির পরামর্শ

    করোনা প্রসঙ্গে পুষ্টি পরামর্শ

            লিখলেন  ডাঃ দুর্গাশঙ্কর দীর্ঘাঙ্গী

জন স্বার্থে প্রচারিত ( Public awareness)

 ১ম পর্ব

How to protect  yourself from  cold
 Pneumonia, All types of flue  fever, including   Corona Virus:
 ( জ্বর, ফ্লু, নিউমোনিয়া, করোনা ভাইরাসের বিরুদ্ধে লড়াই করতে প্রতিরোধ ক্ষমতা বৃদ্ধি করুন।

আজকে অন্য বিষয় নিয়ে লিখব, করোনা ভাইরাস  জনিত বা অন্য ভাইরাস, ব্যাকটেরিয়া জনিত ঠান্ডা লাগা, ফ্লু  , নিউমোনিয়া, কফ, সর্দি, জ্বর, ইত্যাদি থেকে নিজের প্রতিরোধ ক্ষমতা বাড়ানো বা immunity বাড়ানো একান্ত দরকার। আমি লিখব পূর্ণ বয়স্ক  ,যুব বা শিশু, কিশোর দের আহার নিয়ে। 
এই মুহূর্তে এই বিষয়ে লেখার জন্য আমার রুগী, বিভিন্ন স্থানে র বন্ধুরা অনুরোধ করছেন। 

High protein, moderate carbohydrates, low fat diets with sufficient minerals,( sufficient, zinc, minerals, calcium, iron, magnesium,potassium) antioxidants, vitamin-c . Suitable for subject suffering from common cold, flue from viruses, protect from Corona Virus.
  Why extra protein is required? 

Since proteins are made up of amino acids
and we require essential amino acids  for developments our muscles, organs, several enzymes, hormones etc. Protein obtained from vegetables, rice and rice products, wheat, Atta, bajra,jowar, millers are very less (1.5to 11%) and are of 2nd class protein, we will not get our required protein.    Ideal required protein should be 55 to 70 gm per day for adult and adolescents, children. We depend on vegetarian diet should consume dal (mixed) ,nutrinuget likesoyabean products, chattu, etc. at least 40 to 50 gm per day, and curd 100 gm regular basis in lunch. People who are taking non-veg diets can have 60 gm -70 gm fish/ 100 gm chicken/ or one egg along with dal (20 gm) .  Whole moong withhusks dal also good sources of protein and fibres. 
When we are suffering form cold, pneumonia, flue we feel weak because viruses damage protein structure, lungs alveoli, damaged, filled with cough and  when Corona virus attacks damaged lung function and create fibrosis. 
We can fight against all those diseases
When we  consume more protein. Protein
Gives growth and help in  production of amino acids and enzymes.

Carbohydrates and fat : Aged person require  less carbohydrates, less fat since their activity is less and there is reduction of around 7% less metabolism and not having any growth. Young, children, pregnant mother can have sufficient Carbohydrates, moderate fat. 

Vitamins and Minerals: 
Vitamin C ,: Role of this vitaminC is to protect from diseases, increases resistance in your body.
Sources: lemon, amla, tomato,citrous fruits like musumbi, orange,leafy vegetables. One lemon or one amla,two medium sized tomato are sufficient for you. 
Vitamin D and Calcium are having roll of  keeping epithelial tissues in good condition  help in body building, growth of bones and tissues. 
Zinc and selenium : zinc is a trace mineral
 Promotes clear skin and regulating hormonal balance, cell growth and replication  . 
Selenium ensures skin firm  and  protected. 
Sources of Zinc: Pumpkin seeds, Flax seed egg yolk, 
mutton, lobster, dark chocolate. 
 Selenium rich food: seafood, crabs, salmon, tuna, prawns. Turkey and chicken. Peas, lentil, ground nuts, season seed, brown rice. 
Calcium and vitamin D:
They help to build strong teeth and bones. 
Calcium keeps our circulatory system, muscles, nerves working properly. 
Sources: milk, panir, chhana, curd, vegetables, cabbage, etc. Ground nut, almonds. 
Vitamin -D: extrinsic source like morning Sun  ultra violet rays. Egg yolk, country cow’s milk, oil oil seeds. etc. 
Iron, Folic acids, vitamin-12 :  Major role in formation of blood.  

*** All dietary sources are not available  everywhere. We can consume one multi vitamin minerals with Zn, selenium capsule  or tablet. 
One capsule throughout the day.

Water :  Drink sufficient quantity of water at least  3 to 4 Ltrs of water 
 When you feel dry in mouth sip Luke warm water, green tea. 

            Durga Sankara Dirghangi
              Consultant Dietician      
   Formerly AGM (Dietician and Medical        Services) SAIL Isp. 

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